
About Me…

Hi, my name is Kevin Kitchens and I am a lifelong Georgian (from my speech at Georgians Anonymous).  Lived in Dekalb and Gwinnett counties in the metro Atlanta area.

Husband of 20+ years, father of two adult children, two wonderful dogs, and three catlike cats.

Programmer, photographer, genealogist and wise guy (as in smart aleck, not mobster).

About the Name…

I’m a fan of Rush (older more so than newer) and on their album Test for Echo, there was a song called ‘Time and Motion” which contained this lyric:

Time and motion
Wind and sun and rain
Days connect like boxcars in a train
Fill them up
With precious cargo
Squeeze in all that you can find…
Spontaneous elation
And the long enduring kind

Seemed to fit the theme of the blog as I will be sharing remembrances of my life growing up in and around Atlanta.

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